Title I

Title I is a federally funded program that provides supplemental instruction services to eligible students who are attending public or non-public schools.

Title I – Right to Know

As a parent of a student in the Lake George Central School District, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the classroom teacher(s) who instructs your child. Federal law allows you to ask for certain information about your child’s classroom teacher(s). Specifically, you have the right to ask for the following information about each of your child’s classroom teacher(s):

  • Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides the instruction;
  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
  • The teacher’s college major and whether the teacher has any advanced degrees and, if so, the subject of the degree.
  • Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

Requests for the above information may be directed in writing to Superintendent of Schools, 381 Canada Street, Lake George, NY 12845

Title I – Parent Involvement Policy

Each school served under Title I must:

  • Convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of this annual meeting is to inform parents of their school’s participation in Title I and to explain the program requirements, and the right of the parents to be involved;
  • Offer a number of flexible meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, and may provide, with Title I funds, transportation, childcare, or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement;
  • Involve parents, in a prompt, organized, and ongoing way, in the planning, review, and
    improvement of Title I programs. This includes the planning, review, and improvement of both the school PFE policy, and the joint development of the schoolwide program plan.
  • If a school already has a process for involving parents in the joint planning and design of the school’s programs, the school may use that process, if that process includes an adequate representation of parents of Title I children;

The school must provide parents of participating children:

  • Timely information about programs under Title I, Part A;
  • A description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement and performance levels of the school and students on New York State assessments; and
  • Supply opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to take part in decisions relating to their children’s education and respond to any such suggestions as soon as is realistically possible.

If the schoolwide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, the school must include any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to the LEA.

Title I Complaint Procedure

In the Lake George Central School District every effort is made to answer inquiries and resolve issues at the most direct and immediate level. If an issue cannot be satisfactorily resolved through communication at the building level, a formal complaint procedure may be implemented. The first point of contact for all complaints is the Title I Coordinator at (518) 668-5456.

If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved, the complainant will be asked to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Superintendent. This complaint must be signed by the person or agency representative filing the complaint; specify the requirement of law or regulation being violated and the related issue, problem, and/or concern; concern information/evidence supporting the complaint; and state the nature of the corrective action desired.

The complainant will be informed that if the issue is not satisfactorily resolved at the district level within 30 business days, he/she may contact:

New York State Education Department (NYSED)
Title I Office
89 Washington Street
Albany, NY 12234
(518) 473-0295

The complainant will be asked to notify the Superintendent’s office in the event that he/she chooses to contact NYSED.

Strategic Plan

The Lake George Central School District is guided by a Strategic Plan that was developed through a thoughtful, collaborative, community-wide, evidence-based approach. 

The Lake George Central School District will personalize opportunities that empower all students to be lifelong learners, leaders and global citizens.

To foster academic and personal excellence, responsibility and cultural awareness, we are dedicated to creating: 

  • An engaging and innovative learning environment for each student
  • A comprehensive K-12 instructional program using best practices
  • Student connections to extra-curricular opportunities
  • An appreciation for diversity and local traditions  


C – Collaboration
R – Respect
E – Excellence
A – Accountability
T – Trust
E – Empathy

The district’s mission, vision, values, and goals were first articulated and adopted by the LGCSD Board of Education in 2017. This initial Strategic Plan was developed by the Strategic Planning Committee (SPARC) which consisted of stakeholders from parents, students, staff, community members, Board of Education members, and administrators. 

In 2020, as the three-year plan was coming to an end, the Board of Education tasked the district with reviewing and revising the Strategic Plan as necessary, while holding to the original mission, vision, and values. 

While the COVID school closure derailed the timeline, the committee continued to consider shifting environmental factors, new state mandates, district priorities, and district trends when making decisions about adjustments to goals and actions to meet the district vision and mission. 

The Result

The original five goals were honed to three:  

1. CREATE Values 

  • By focusing on the district’s core values of Collaboration, Respect, Excellence, Accountability, Trust, and Empathy, we will cultivate mindsets and behaviors for success and wellbeing. 

2. Raise the Bar

  • The district will continue to empower students to achieve local, national, and global academic standards at essential proficiency levels.

3.  Close the Gap

  • The district will continue efforts to increase the proficiency rate of target subgroups.

To achieve the goals and objectives, the district will develop an action plan that includes identifying a profile of what success looks like at LGCSD. The action plan will also include strategies to cultivate success and wellbeing for the whole child, including personal and academic growth. 

Strategies for Personal Growth:

  • Foster a community and culture to support success and wellbeing
  • Create a profile of success and wellbeing for a Lake George student targeting skills and competencies of social-emotional learning, leadership, college and career readiness, equity, and inclusion
  • Align and integrate existing tools, programs, curricula K-12 
  • Determine how success will be measured.  Where are we finding success and where are there gaps? 
  • Engage more voices in the process.

Strategies for Academic Growth:

  • Gather and analyze data, set cut-point/benchmarks
  • Identify areas of need
  • Create an intervention plan
  • Progress monitor
  • Analyze data and conduct regular assessments of progress towards goal (i.e. RTI meetings)
  • Evaluate and improve existing programs (i.e. Tier 1, 2, and 3 programs or ELA & Math curricular programs)

By recentering on the foundation of strategic planning while being mindful of shifting environmental factors, the district is reenergized to help students develop skills,  competencies, and standards that epitomize lifelong learning, leading, and global citizenship.