Rotary and Interact Club Come Together to Provide Learning Materials to LGES

The Rotary Club, a long-established and respected international service organization, has played a pivotal role in making a difference at Lake George Central School District. Since their involvement with “The Dictionary Project” in April 2006, the Rotary Club, including this recent effort, has collectively provided an impressive 2,802 dictionaries and thesauruses to LGES students. 

The club is well-known for its commitment to community development, both locally and globally. In the Lake George region, they have a history of supporting numerous educational projects, and this endeavor is no exception. A group also dedicated to this cause is The LGHS Interact Club. This organization focuses on engaging students in leadership, volunteerism, and positive community contributions.

Club president, Jason Ludlow, introduced members of the Rotary Club, Kathy Wallace, Nancy Jefts, Dave King, and Mike Craft to the third and fifth grade. Interact Club members, Maggie Meehan, a junior; and Elizabeth Galkiewicz and Jaedyn Dunklee, both sophomores,  helped to guide students in an activity to get them acquainted with their new learning materials. 

The dictionaries and thesauruses provided by the Rotary Club are part of a larger initiative known as “The Dictionary Project.” This project aims to equip young students with the essential tools for improving their language skills and building a strong foundation in vocabulary and literacy. Since its implementation in 1995, over 31 million children have received dictionaries because thousands of people saw the same need in communities all over the United States.