Students from Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School were able to experience the solar eclipse in full totality thanks to a collaboration with Minerva Central School District.
While Lake George was in the 99.4% range for the solar eclipse, Minerva was in the range of totality. Students and staff were invited to spend the beautiful, sunny day, having fun, playing games, and learning more about eclipses.

“The Lake George students were polite, kind, and respectful. The staff were the same, as well as engaged and excited along with your students! What a wonderful experience for your students, staff, and our community to share together,” said Candice Husson, Superintendent of Minerva Central School District.
The students were also joined by community members and a multitude of out-of-state individuals to the Adirondack region, which experienced an influx of over 1 million visitors over the course of the days leading up to the eclipse.
Community members of all ages came up to the telescopes put up by LGHS and were given lessons from LGHS students. Astronomy students took on the exciting task of teaching individuals of all ages about the science behind the eclipse.

“The day was absolutely the highlight of my 26 year teaching career. It was a surreal shared experience with students, colleagues, family, and strangers from all over. When totality hit and we removed our glasses people were cheering and crying and laughing and hugging and clapping….beyond words! Our astronomy club did an amazing job teaching everyone about the telescopes and the eclipse….just awesome,” said science teacher at LGHS, Tammy Darby.