Lake George Athletic Handbook

Click to view a PDF version of the LGCSD Athletic Handbook

Click here to view the Warrensburg – Lake George – Bolton – Wolverines Football Program Handbook


Welcome to our education-based athletic program at Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School.  We feel that this decision will provide you with positive rewards that will benefit you throughout your Jr.-Sr. High School career and continue to assist you for the remainder of your life.

Our goal as an athletic staff is to provide a program that will be instructional in nature and achieve a balance of both individual and team goals.  We pride ourselves on providing quality instruction in the technical elements of the individual sports, while never losing sight of the ultimate goal of developing our student athletes into physically and emotionally healthy adults. 

We believe that the benefits of participating in athletics goes far beyond the field, court or track.  Participating in athletics helps our student athletes to develop socially and emotionally through hard work, commitment, and dedication to both personal and team goals. We take a Double-Goal® approach, our coaches prepare athletes to win and teach life lessons through sports. Our athletes aspire to be Triple-Impact Competitors™ who make themselves, their teammates, and the game better. We ask our parents to become a Second-Goal Parent ™ who concentrates on the child’s character development while letting athletes and coaches focus on the first goal of winning on the scoreboard.  

Responsibility comes with the privilege of being a member of our athletic teams.  We expect our athletes to conduct themselves in a manner that is indicative of a highly responsible adolescent.  Our athletes are expected to follow our “Code of Conduct” and failure to do so will result in disciplinary measures.  This handbook is designed to help define our student and parent responsibilities as they pertain to the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures for participation in our education-based athletic program at Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School.

The responsibility of continuing our long and rich history of integrity and pride within our program is a shared one. Students, parents, coaches, educators, administrators and community members are all stakeholders and must work together to support the positive image of the Lake George Athletic program and those athletes and families that came before us to build this foundation.

Please do not hesitate to call me at 518-668-5452, ext. 1221, with any questions or issues you may have regarding our program and the policies surrounding it.  I wish you all a positive experience as you embark on your journey as a student athlete here at Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School.


Kyle Manny
Athletic Director
37 Sports…1 Team / Developing Better Athletes…Better People!


Oh, lake of crystal waters

Surrounded by yon hills. The mountain peaks rise up To kiss the blue ‘n skies and rills.

Our high school stands upon the mound. We gaze at all her charms.
God bless our Alma Mater
In the Adirondacks arms.    

As forward through the years we march, Our footsteps toward success,
We dream of Lake George High School And the friends that we possess.

The love and honor in our hearts Shall live forever more, The things that we accomplish Shall reflect upon the door.

Lake George Athletics: Mission,Vision & Values


Lake George Education Based Athletics will develop physical ability, enhance skill level and promote social growth and maturation.

Motto: Developing Better Athletes..Better People!


Education Based Athletics can be used to develop the qualities of citizenship, character, responsibility, self-discipline, respect, sense of community, and commitment to others while teaching the importance of sportsmanship and the value of teamwork. We are dedicated to providing a program that teaches lifetime skills and provides access/opportunity, quality coaching/instruction and engages community and parents.

Motto: 37 Sports..1 Team


Create a Development Zone ®

● The Double-Goal Coach®, who strives to win while also pursuing the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports

● The Second-Goal Parent®, who concentrates on life lessons, while letting coaches and athletes focus on competing

● The Triple-Impact Competitor®, who strives to impact sport on three levels by improving oneself, teammates and the game as a whole

Lake George Athletics Outcomes for Student Athlete Success 2024-2027

#1 Lifetime Skills 
Student Athlete participation in sports provides a wealth of opportunities and experiences that assist in their education and will serve them throughout their life in a variety of different ways.
Target: Utilize the Character Development and Leadership app-based Program. 

#2 Access / Opportunity 
Student Athletes have access to a wide variety of sport offerings as appropriate to our school size.  
Student Athletes have access to high quality / well maintained facilities to practice and compete on. Student Athletes will have the opportunity to develop their physical abilities, enhance skill levels, and grow socially.
Target: Monitor student athlete participation levels (based on multiple year participation trends per sport) to plan for possible adjustments related to declining enrollment and athletics. 

#3 Quality Instruction/ Coaching
Highly engaged, loyal and well-trained teachers and coaches who are energized and passionate about lifelong physical activity and athletics. The desire to fulfill a unique mission and set the program apart from the crowd. 
Target: Utilize Positive Coaching Alliance Workshops/Coach Development Program.

#4 Community/Parents
All Lake George parents, community and business leaders will have the opportunity to fulfill their roles as actively engaged partners in supporting LG Athletic outcomes for student success.
Target: Foster Volunteerism and active engagement via LG Athletic Booster Club Inc. 


The Lake George Central School District considers its education-based sports program to be an integral part of its overall educational program. The program is developmental in nature designed to develop physical ability, enhance skill level and promote social growth and maturation. It is our goal to ensure that all students make the best use of both of their physical talents and limitations while maintaining acceptable standards concerning academic performance.

We believe that education-based sports can be used to develop the qualities of citizenship, character, responsibility, self-discipline, respect, sense of community, and commitment to others while teaching the importance of sportsmanship and the value of teamwork. It is our firm belief that winning and losing are important only within the context of how the game is played and how individuals represent themselves and their school under the pressure of competition.

The emphasis of the education-based sports program at the Modified level is on learning and developing a genuine interest in and enjoyment for the sport through good instruction, sound skills development, and participation. Sports at the Modified Level provide an opportunity for young students to practice and play as a team in competition with others and, in the process, develops self-esteem, their own personal identity, and a spirit of commitment and dedication.

Education-based sports at the Junior Varsity and Varsity levels continue to hone skills and focus on fundamentals, but are intended to reward students who have clearly proven their ability, demonstrated a strong and on-going commitment to the team and the sport, and have consistently represented themselves and the school in the true spirit of good sportsmanship.


Lake George is a member of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA). Our district lies within Section 2 and most of our athletic teams compete at the Class C/D level (sport dependent). Most of our teams compete in the Adirondack league, however certain teams may compete in the Wasaren League because those sports are not offered by the other Adirondack league teams at this time.



The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), along with Section 2, has developed the following three sets of guidelines. The Lake George Central School District expects all individuals involved with Lake George athletics adhere to these guidelines.

It is the duty of all concerned with school athletics:

  • To emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct and fair play. 
  • To eliminate all possibilities which tend to destroy the best values of the game. 
  • To stress the values derived from playing the game fairly.
  • To show courtesy to visiting teams and officials.
  • To establish a congenial relationship between visitors and hosts.
  • To respect the integrity and judgment of sports officials.
  • To achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the standards of eligibility.
  • To encourage leadership, use of initiative and good judgment by the players on the team. 
  • To recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, social and emotional well-being of the individual players.
  • To remember that an athletic contest is only a game – not a matter of life and death for player, coach, school, official, fan or community member.

Sportsmanship Policy

  • Learn and understand the rules of your sport. Play hard, play to win, but play fairly within the rules.
  • Maintain self-control. Do not allow your temper to distract you from the fundamentals of good sportsmanship.
  • Respect your opponent. Never taunt. Congratulate him or her at game’s end.
  • Acknowledge good play.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of officials. Never question the decision of an official. 
  • Be an example for your school, teammates and opponents.
  • A player who is disqualified from a contest for unsportsmanlike behavior by an official is prohibited from playing in the next regularly scheduled contest.
  • A player who strikes or otherwise physically assaults an official will be subject to an extended suspension from athletic competition. A physical confrontation with an official is any incident where a player strikes, bumps, or otherwise physically intimidates an official prior to, during or after a contest or game.

Code of Conduct for Spectators

  • Spectators are an important part of the games and are encouraged to conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior.
  • Spectators should at all times respect officials, visiting coaches, players and cheerleaders as guests in the community and extend all courtesies to them.
  • Enthusiastic cheering for one’s own team is encouraged.
  • Booing, whistling, stamping of the feet and disrespectful remarks shall be avoided. 
  • There will be no ringing of bells, sounding of horns or other noisemakers at indoor contests during play. Anyone who does not abide by this rule will be asked to leave the premises.
  • Pep or school bands, under the supervision of school personnel, may play during time-outs, between periods or at halftime. Bands must coordinate their play so as not to interfere with a cheerleading squad on the floor or field.
  • The throwing of debris, confetti or other objects from the stands is prohibited. Offending individuals will be asked to leave the premises.
  • During a free throw in basketball, all courtesies should be extended.
  • Spectators should encourage each other to observe courteous behavior. Improper behavior should be reported to the school authorities.
  • Spectators will observe the rules of the local school concerning smoking, food and drink consumption, littering, and parking procedures.
  • Spectators will respect and obey all school officials and supervisors at athletic contests.

Code of Conduct for Coaches

The Lake George Athletic Department has also adopted a Code of Conduct specifically for coaches in addition to NYSPHSAA Section II policies. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) developed this code.

Coaches are required to:

  • Take responsibility for athletes’ well-being and development.
  • Accept the reality that they serve as role models; as such, their actions must live up to their words.
  • Provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for athletes during practice, as well as competition.
  • Exemplify ethical behaviors, including honesty, integrity, fair play and sportsmanship. These are life-long lessons that take precedence over any emphasis on winning. 
  • Maintain a professional demeanor in their relationships with athletes, officials, colleagues, administrators and the community.
  • Recognize the power and influence of their position with respect to athletes. Therefore, coaches are careful to avoid and refrain from exhibiting behaviors that could develop into interpersonal relationships, or even create the perception of intimacy – or the desire for intimacy – with athletes.
  • Refrain from direct physical contact with players (i.e. pats on the buttocks) that could be construed as sexual in nature. Work toward the best interests of their athletes by understanding issues of confidentiality and avoiding situations that could create conflicts of interest or could exploit any athlete.
  • Commit themselves to their athletes’ academic achievement.
  • Discourage the use of performance-enhancing substances and dietary supplements.
  • Coaches also should encourage athletes, in conjunction with their families, to seek the advice of qualified medical professionals regarding performance-enhancing substances. 
  • Prohibit the use of alcohol, tobacco and any illegal or recreational drug. 
  • Be knowledgeable about nutrition, hydration, safe and healthy weight loss or gain, and healthy eating behaviors. When a situation exceeds a coach’s scope of knowledge, he or she should refer the athlete to an appropriate medical professional for the most current and accurate information.
  • Practice safe training and conditioning techniques that are current.
  • Exhibit sound injury – and risk-management practices.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of their athletes’ growth and developmental stages.
  • Encourage athletes to adopt a physically active lifestyle.
  • Place athletes’ needs and interests before their own.
  • Remember that competition should be healthy and enjoyable.

ATHLETE’S RULES OF CONDUCT (from LG Jr. – Sr. High Student Handbook)

Team members are expected to be good citizens representing our school and community. Student-athletes will jeopardize team membership if school rules, attendance rules, or laws are violated. Violations of school rules or civil law will result in disciplinary action. The principal and athletic director will review the student’s team membership and appropriate penalties will be imposed. Student-athletes interested in developing their athletic talents and potentialities will not subject themselves to possessing or using alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, or any drug/tobacco paraphernalia as defined within the District’s Code of Conduct.

A student subjected to a suspension from athletic participation, extra-curricular activities or other privileges is not entitled to a full hearing pursuant to Education Law §3214. However, the student and the student’s parents will be provided with a reasonable opportunity for an informal conference with the district official imposing the suspension to discuss the conduct and the penalty involved. If the student or parent wishes to appeal the decision please refer to the student handbook appeal process 5313.4. During the appeal process students shall not participate until the appeal is complete or the penalty is served (whichever comes first).

After such conference, any team member found in violation of the District’s Code of Conduct will be subject to the following:

1. The use and/or possession of alcohol, tobacco, and/or any drugs, drug/tobacco paraphernalia (as defined in the District’s Code of Conduct) by any student are prohibited.

A FIRST violation to the above alcohol/drug/tobacco policy will result in:

● A loss of 25% of the current season’s scheduled contests. This suspension may carry into the next sport season or the next year in which the student participated. Sectional, regional or state games are NOT exempt from this rule.

● All policies and related consequences from the District’s Code of Conduct will be followed.

After such conference, any team member found in violation of the District’s Code of Conduct will be subject to the following:

● At the discretion of the athletic director and /or principal, the option may exist for the student-athlete to only practice with the team while ineligible to participate in scheduled contests.

● If Applicable, notification will be provided to club/extracurricular/honor society/other school organizations (Local/State/National) which may result in further disciplinary consequences from that group/club/organization.

A SECOND violation to the above alcohol/drug/tobacco policy will result in:

● A loss of 50% of the current season’s scheduled contests. This suspension may carry into the next sport season or the next year in which the student participates. Sectional, regional or state games are NOT exempt from this rule.

● All policies and related consequences from the District’s Code of Conduct will be followed.

● At the discretion of the athletic director and/or principal, the option may exist for the student athlete to only practice with the team while ineligible to participate in scheduled contests.

● If Applicable, notification will be provided to club/extracurricular/honor society/other school organizations (Local/State/National) which may result in further disciplinary consequences from that group/club/organization.

● All policies and related consequences from the District’s Code of Conduct will be followed.

● When a suspension is carried over to the next sport season, the athletic director and/or principal will use their discretion to determine if the athlete may try out after the season begins and/or practice with the team while ineligible to participate in scheduled contests.

A THIRD and any subsequent violation to the above drug/alcohol/tobacco policy will result in:

● A loss of all education-based athletic activities for 1 calendar year (365 days) from the date of infraction.

● If Applicable, notification will be provided to club/extracurricular/honor society/other school organizations (Local/State/National) which may result in further disciplinary consequences from that group/club/organization.


● Scheduled contests are defined as actual games used in the team’s overall record.

● Scrimmages/exhibitions are not contests therefore at the discretion of the athletic director and/or principal, the option may exist for the student athlete to scrimmage with the team while ineligible to participate in scheduled contests.

The above drug/alcohol/tobacco policy is in effect on and off school time and on and off school property during the time that the student is participating in education-based athletics. Participation in education-based athletics begins per NYSPHSAA official fall, winter and spring start dates and ends on the last day of the particular season. This applies whether the athlete is registered or not at the time of infraction. The attendance of student athletes at gatherings of student(s) at which alcohol and/or drugs are consumed are prohibited. Actual consumption of alcohol and/or use of drugs are not a perquisite for establishing a violation of this rule. Any student athlete who has agreed to this code of conduct and who is found to have voluntarily remained within the vicinity of a gathering prohibited by this section shall be guilty of a violation of this rule whether he or she consumes or uses any substances. Student athletes found to be violating this policy on or off school property or on and off school time are subject to the above rules, regulations, and consequences. No student athlete will be deemed to have violated this rule, if he or she can, to the satisfaction of the athletic director and/or principal, prove his/her innocence and/or any extenuating circumstances connecting them to the gathering.

2. Academic Standing – an athlete is expected to maintain a satisfactory academic standing while participating in sports. The Eligibility/Probation Policy as stated in Section 5805 of the Student Handbook is now in effect for all students.

3. Cases of misconduct on and off school time and on and off school property during the time that the student is participating in education-based athletics (as defined within the District’s Code of Conduct) during the student’s athletic season will result in disciplinary action. A season suspension could result depending on the severity of misconduct.

4. Student Athletes serving a suspension (in-school or out-of-school) are not allowed to participate in practices and/or contests (as defined within the District’s Code of Conduct) until the suspension period and re-entry meeting is concluded.

5. Failure to attend practice sessions or events shows an irresponsible attitude toward team goals. Athletes who are missing from practice without prior notification to their coach do not show concern for the welfare of the team. Two such infractions by an athlete may result in a season suspension.

6. Insubordination by an athlete towards his coach may result in a season suspension.

7. All of the preceding rules are in effect for the entire season of each sport’s season in which the student is participating.

Miscellaneous Items/Rules

  • An athlete must be in school for a minimum of 7 periods and/or at the administrator’s discretion, in order to participate in that day’s practice/game.
  • All those involved in education-based sports are expected to follow the district’s anti-bullying policy.
  • Any acts construed by the coach, athletic director or administration, as hazing will be considered a code of conduct violation.
  • Once an athlete is selected for a team, he/she may not quit that team to join another during that sport season without permission from the coach & Director of Athletics. This ALSO applies if an athlete has been dismissed from a team for disciplinary reasons.
  • Students who do not participate in a scheduled Physical Education class may not participate in a practice or contest that day unless they have a legal excuse (defined in the student handbook).
  • Outside Competition: If a Lake George athlete chooses to participate in a club sport, during a season, it should be with the understanding that the commitment to the school team will take priority over the club sport for practice and games.
  • Camps: The Lake George coaching staff realizes that camps enhance skill development and provide increased opportunities for athletes to participate in their respective sports. Lake George however, does not sponsor nor require attendance at camps. They are not a mandate or pre-requisite for selection to any team. Our coaches will provide information on different camps when requested to do so and will encourage our athletes to attend when there is an interest.
  • Jewelry: NYSPHSAA will abide by the national governing body jewelry rule (i.e., NFHS, NCAA, USA Softball, USTA, USAG, etc.) followed by NYSPHSAA. (July 2022) Hair adornments, including beads, may be worn provided they are secured and do not present a safety hazard to the player, teammates, or opponent(s). (May 2022) Head coverings worn for religious reasons are permitted and shall not be made of abrasive or hard material and must fit securely. (September 2022)


Students are required to minimally have all of the following requirements for eligibility:

  • A current (yearly) sports physical on file in the nurse’s office prior to the athlete’s participation in a sports season.  Physicals are offered in school to all students as announced yearly, free of charge.  Students may also go to a physician of the family’s choice at their expense.
  • All student-athletes and parents of student-athletes must sign the Athletic Code of Conduct.
  • All student-athletes must be in good academic standing, as outlined in our Eligibility Policy.
  • All student-athletes must display school citizenship and sportsmanship, as outlined in these regulations.


According to NYSPHSAA Regulations, in order for a student to be eligible for competition, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered student in school.
  • Be enrolled in a minimum of four subjects including physical education.

Students are eligible to compete for:

  • Four consecutive years upon entry into 9th grade. Four years in one sport unless advanced by athletic placement process or age 15 in 8th grade. Students reaching the age of 19 prior to July 1 may not participate during the school year.

ELIGIBILITY POLICY AND STANDARDS (from LG Jr.-Sr. High Student Handbook)

Lake George Jr./Sr. High School recognizes the educational values inherent in student participation in extracurricular activities for such purposes as participating in athletics, building social relationships, developing interests in an academic area, and gaining an understanding of the responsibilities of good citizenship. In order to promote the highest standards of scholarship, achievement and integrity, we advocate that every student who wishes to participate in non-graded, ongoing activities uphold a satisfactory level of academic achievement. We believe it is important for students to have support and intervention from parents, teachers and administration when it becomes apparent that academic achievement cannot be maintained. This cooperative effort is designed to encourage and motivate students to continue to perform at their potential academically, athletically and in all areas of their interest and endeavor.

Step 1: A copy of this policy is sent home to parents in the student handbook at the beginning of the year. It is to be signed and returned to the school to be filed.

Step 2: Five week grades are input to the computer as usual and a probation list is automatically generated by our computer program or the Guidance Office. All students, grades 7-12, are listed by grade level with name and course(s) failed (below a 65) or an incomplete. All teachers, advisors, counselors, and coaches receive the probation list. Club/class/coaches/advisors should regularly check the probation list.

Step 3: Five week grades are input to the computer as usual and a probation list is generated by the Guidance Office. All students, grades 7-12, are listed by grade level with name and course(s) failed (below a 65). All teachers, advisors, counselors, and coaches receive the probation list.

Step 4: Probation starts when the probation list is distributed to staff.

Step 5: Parents and students should realize from the grades and comments on interim reports and/or report cards that their child is on Probation.

Step 6: The Probation Card Process:

Student’s Responsibilities

  • Obtain a probation card from the guidance or main office.
  • See appropriate teacher.
  • Receive assignment and due date and record on back of card.
  • Have card initialed through due date.
  • Sign individual teacher’s accountability list.
  • Complete assignment by due date.
  • Show signed card to coach or advisor in order to participate in that day’s meeting or event. (i.e. practice, game, field trip, special ceremony)
  • If the card is not signed, notify the advisor or coach and do not participate. ● If teacher is absent, student must report to main office for a one-day initial. If the card is not signed from the previous day, the principal or other designee will not do a one-day initial. (Every attempt will be made to get a hold of the absent teacher.)

Teacher Responsibilities

  • Ensure that the student wrote the assignment, and the due date should be written on the back of the probation card before signing. (i.e. Lab #1 due tomorrow, personal narrative due Wednesday, mandatory 9th period all week etc. Be specific.)
  • Initial the back of the card up to the day you expect to see the student again. 
  • Keep accountability list and have student initial your list while you initial theirs. 
  • If student fails to complete assignment do not sign his/her probation card. Instead put an X in the box. The X or lack of signature will prohibit the student from participating in extracurricular activities that day.)
  • If the student has met his/her obligation for the five-week period, the teacher may sign him/her off for the five-week period.

Coach’s/Advisor’s Responsibilities:

  • Supply the office with an updated list of participants whenever necessary. 
  • Make sure students have a Probation Card as soon as the Eligibility List comes out, and monitor it daily.
  • Ask to see all cards of probationary students at each activity or meeting and if student does not have card, student cannot participate.
  • Encourage probationary students to complete necessary work.

Administrative Responsibilities:

  • Settle disputes concerning special circumstances.
  • The principal or other designee will be the central communication person to oversee any communication problems, compile eventual suspension list, handle individual concerns such as lost cards, etc. This person’s final decision should be followed by all parties involved and not undermined. Fair and consistent application of policy and consequences is our only means of measuring continual success.
  • A student or parent can appeal using the process and procedure outlined in this handbook.

Parent’s Responsibilities:

  • Check what is expected of your child on the back of the probation card. 
  • Review card daily to see if child is completing assigned work. At any time, parents have the right to remove their child from participating in any activity.

Rules and Consequences:

  • Rule: Students must hand in assigned work on due date.
  • Consequence: Student is prohibited from participating in any extracurricular activity that day if their work is not handed in on time. The overdue assignment is automatically due the next day in addition to other assignments scheduled. The student receives an X on his/her card. 2) 
  • Rule: No forging of teachers’ initials or signatures.
  • Consequence: Violation 1- A loss of 25% of the current season’s scheduled contests. This suspension may carry into the next sport season or the next year in which the student participated. Sectional, regional or state games are NOT exempt from this rule. Violation 2-A loss of 50% of the current season’s scheduled contests. This suspension may carry into the next sport season or the next year in which the student participates. Sectional, regional or state games are NOT exempt from this rule. Violation 3- A loss of all education-based athletic activities for 1 calendar year (365 days) from the date of infraction.
  • Rule: Students are not allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity unless their probation card is up to date. (Need a Friday initial for any weekend activity.) (Again, it is the student’s responsibility to not go/play.)
  • Consequence: If a student participates illegally, they need to sit out a practice or game whichever event occurred when they illegally participated.


The intent of this section is to help improve communication between athletes, parents, coaches and administrators for the ultimate benefit of the student athlete. Participation in education based athletics allows student athletes to experience some of the most rewarding times of their lives. There may be moments, however, when things do not go the way the athlete would like. They may feel there is a personal issue with the coach. This can also be true for parents. It is important that students and parents realize that difficult situations are an important part of the learning process. In order to protect the integrity of the coach/athlete relationship we encourage the athlete to personally speak with the coach about any problems that arise during the season. This is the most direct means of communication and also a valuable lesson in learning about responsibility. If the athlete has spoken with the coach about the issue and is still frustrated, the parent may feel the need to become involved. In the event that this situation arises, we ask that parents adhere to the following communications guidelines when meeting with the coach(es):

Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches:

  • The treatment of your child mentally and physically
  • Ways that you as a parent can help the athlete improve
  • Concerns about your child’s behavior
  • Any relevant personal issues affecting your child’s participation

Inappropriate issues for discussions with coaches:

  • Team Strategy
  • Play calling
  • Other student athletes d. Officials Competency

Protocol for Communication of Concerns:

  • Athlete addresses concerns with coach
  • Parent contacts the coach at an appropriate place and time
  • Parent contacts Athletic Director before pursuing further administration

Please do not attempt to confront a coach before, during or after a contest. These can be emotional times for all parties involved. Meetings of this nature usually do not promote a positive resolution and set up all parties for failure.

Chain of Command

  • Team Coach
  • Varsity Coach
  • Athletic Director
  • School Principal
  • Superintendent
  • Board of Education

It is the recommendation of the Athletic Department that the above chain of command be followed when there is a problem. Whether the problem is personal or otherwise, we feel that the above procedure will help clarify the event in question and will possibly solve the problem at the grassroots level. We prefer that all parties involved insist that the chain be followed. Please check to confirm that the person has been contacted for information prior to your getting involved. If you feel that a resolution to the problem has not been achieved, then and only then should the next higher person be involved.


In the interest of our athletes’ safety, we require our players to ride to athletic contests on the school bus. We also strongly encourage athletes to ride back to school on the bus as well. However, an athlete may be released to a parent or legal guardian using the following procedure:

Coaches will have a list with the names of each athlete’s legal guardians. Coaches may release athletes only to the student’s parent or guardian. Coaches may ask the parent or guardian for identification prior to releasing. (There are exceptions to this procedure as outlined below).

  • Any release to a parent will include a sign out process. The parent or guardian and the coach must make a face-to-face contact and the parent/guardian must sign a release form.
  • There will be a release time developed by the coaches of individual sports so that parents know when they can pick-up the student athlete after the contest.
  • Students will always ride the bus home if a parent/guardian is not present to pick them up. Teams will not wait for a parent who is not present at the release time.
  • Coaches will encourage teams to travel on the bus.
  • Under no circumstances are student-athletes to obtain transportation to and/or from an event with other students. Student-athletes are not allowed to drive themselves to and/or from an athletic event.
  • Under extraordinary circumstances (for example: SAT Exams, medical reasons, unavoidable personal situations, etc.) parents may obtain permission in advance for their son/daughter to be transported to and/or from an away contest by another adult (non-parent/ non-guardian) after submitting an Athletic Trip Release Form (which can be completed online at – Athletics tab) to the main office a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the event.
  • In the event of an immediate emergency situation parents/guardians should contact the High School Principal or Athletic Director. (*Coaches will use their professional judgement in emergency situations if the Principal and/or Athletic Director is not able to be reached.)

Lake George Spectator Bus Procedure

As a privilege and upon request, the District may provide a spectator school bus. Below is a checklist of guidelines students need to understand and meet in order for the request to be approved. For athletic contests over 1 hour and 30 minutes in distances away, it is recommended that LG Warriors Booster Club be contacted to investigate a charter bus.

Student must initiate the request at least two (2) days in advance to the High School Principal.
Each student interested in participating understands:A $10 deposit and a signed permission slip must be submitted to the main office the day before the event.The $10 deposit will be returned once they arrive at the destination.Any student who does not show up for the bus forfeits their deposit.
A minimum of 20 prepaid deposits must be received for the spectator bus to be offered.
One staff/faculty chaperone will be needed per 20 students.  
When this checklist is submitted:The  Principal (or designee) will inform the student body via the morning and afternoon announcements and include them in the daily bulletin.The Principal (or designee) will communicate with faculty/staff about the need for a paid chaperone for the spectator bus.
Students understand this privilege will be for Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School students only (no guests are allowed).
Students must ride to and from the contest on the bus (no exceptions).
Students must be in good standing academically/behaviorally with the approval and signature of the Principal (or designee) before reserving a spot.
Spectator school buses will not be considered for overnight trips.
Spectators will be returned to the Jr.-Sr. High School at the conclusion of the event.
Students understand the spectator bus is subject to bus/driver availability and weather conditions.


Team selection is a sport specific program oriented procedure. Some programs/sports require a limited number of participants. Therefore, “cutting” may be necessary. The individual professional coach in charge of each program will make the determination of the number of athletes per team that is deemed necessary. Many considerations for each athlete will be evaluated in this difficult decision-making process as we hold the quality and integrity of each sport program in high regard.


Lake George participates in the New York State Education Department approved “Athletic Placement Process”. The program is a process of screening students to determine their readiness to compete in education-based athletic competition. The intent of this program is to provide the opportunity for exceptional athletes in 7th and 8th grade to participate on Junior Varsity or perhaps even Varsity Teams.  This program is designed for athletes who would be best served competing on a higher-level team than age and/or grade might indicate. A determination through this program assesses a student’s physical maturation, physical fitness, skill, academic and social readiness.  

The program is not to be used to fill positions on teams with low numbers, provide additional experience, or to provide a place for junior high students when no modified program is offered.   

The requirements that must be met BEFORE an athlete is classified and may try out for a team:

  • Administrative approval
  • Parental permission – signed and returned.
  • Medical examination – approved by the school physician with the development/maturity level determined by the physician in accordance with the established guidelines for the level of that particular sport.
  • The individual’s prior experience and skill level is judged on the demands of the sport at the level of play at which the student is endeavoring to qualify.
  • Successful completion of all of the items on the athletic performance test which will be administered by a physical education teacher, or by the athletic director. Athletes who do not meet ALL of these criteria during the test may have an opportunity to try again.

For additional information please refer to the NYSED document: Athletic Placement Process for Interscholastic Athletic Programs.


Lake George Athletics allows student athletes to request dual sports participation for JV/Varsity teams. Interested Student Athletes should follow the procedure linked here.


The substantial cost of uniforms and equipment make it necessary to hold our athletes accountable for all items issued to them. Failure to return items in a timely manner upon the conclusion of the season will result in the athlete having to pay for the articles. Athletes not paying for the missing articles will forfeit their eligibility for a certificate, pin, or letter and may not participate in the next sport season. A list of all violators will be sent to the athletic director and forwarded to the building principal. Care and concern should also be used in the washing of school uniforms: use of cold water, hanging to dry whenever possible and do not dry clean.


Senior Sports Banquet

Each year the senior awards banquet will be held in June (scheduled and arranged at the discretion of the Athletic Director and High School Principal). The evening is dedicated to honoring our senior athlete’s participation in education-based sports. The banquet is sponsored by the Lake George Athletic Booster Club and the Lake George Varsity Club. Families are encouraged to attend and underclassmen athletes of Lake George are also welcomed.

Team Banquets

At the Coach’s discretion, individual teams and/or combined levels may have an end of season awards night. It is the responsibility of each coach to arrange for the appropriate letters, pins, certificates, etc. for their team.

Criteria for Varsity Letter

Due to the complexity of each sport it is up to individual varsity coaches how varsity letters are awarded in their program.


It should be noted that with any sports competition there is a certain risk of injury. The nature of athletic injury can run from minor common injuries such as a bruise and scrapes to more serious injuries such as fractures, dislocations, paralysis, concussions, and even death.


All injuries must be reported to the coach immediately and to the school nurse no later than the next school day. Team members recovering from serious injury where professional medical advice has been received may not return to competition without written approval from their doctor.


Medical expenses resulting from any injury are submitted first to the athlete’s own insurance carrier. Please notify the school nurse regarding any injuries resulting in medical expenses.


The Board of Education of the Lake George Central School District recognizes that concussions and head injuries are commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational activity and can have serious consequences if not managed carefully. Therefore, the District adopts the following policy to support the proper evaluation and management of head injuries.

A concussion is an injury to the brain. A concussion occurs when normal brain functioning is disrupted by a blow or jolt to the head. Recovery from a concussion will vary. Avoiding re-injury and overexertion until fully recovered are the cornerstones of proper concussion management.

While District staff will exercise reasonable care to protect students, head injuries may still occur. Physical education teachers, coaches, nurses and other appropriate staff receive training to recognize the signs, symptoms and behaviors consistent with a concussion. Any student exhibiting those signs, symptoms or behaviors while participating in a school sponsored class, extracurricular activity, or interscholastic athletic activity, shall be removed from the game, activity, or class and be evaluated as soon as possible by an appropriate health care professional. The coach/physical education teacher or staff members in charge will notify the student’s parents or guardians and recommend he or she sees a physician.

If a student sustains a concussion at a time other than when engaged in a school-sponsored activity, the district expects the parent/legal guardian to report the condition to the school nurse so that the district can support the appropriate management of the condition.

If a student is suspected of having a concussion, the student shall not participate in physical activities until authorized to do so by an appropriate health care professional. Any student who continues to have signs or symptoms upon return to activity must be removed from play and be reevaluated by their general physician. The district appointed medical director will make the final decision on return to activity in all unresolved or inconclusive matters that are not resolved by the student’s general physician. (Adopted: May 8, 2012. Amended: August 9, 2016)


Parents and Students

All parents and students will have access to the Lake George Education Based Athletic Handbook which includes an explanation of the district’s Concussion Management Policy and Return to Play (RTP)/Return to School Protocols (RTS). A parent/guardian must sign a permission slip prior to participation in athletics acknowledging receipt and understanding of the document. The Lake George Education Based Athletic Handbook can be found at (athletics tab) or the athletic director can be contacted in order to obtain a hardcopy.

Coaches, Physical Education Teachers, School Nurses

All coaches/physical education teachers, school nurses, and appropriate staff members receive appropriate training per New York State guidelines. All suspected concussions will be reported by the coach/physical education teacher or staff member to the nurse, so he/she may follow up with the family and private health care providers as indicated. If a student with a known head injury in the season prior resulted in the student missing the remainder of that season he or she should have medical clearance to participate in the current season and it may be determined that he or she follow the RTP protocol.

Athletic Director

The athletic director will ensure that all coaches/physical education teachers are trained, understand concussions, and familiar with the RTP protocol. The athletic director will make certain all coaches are using the concussion checklist.

Staff Roles

Coach/Physical Education Teacher or Appropriate Staff Member:

If a trained medical person is not available, the coach/physical education teacher or appropriate staff member will evaluate whether the student has sustained a head injury, by observation, concussion checklist, and collaborative eyewitness accounts from teammates. If the student describes ANY symptoms or demonstrates any signs of a concussion per the concussion checklist:

  • The student will be immediately removed from play and will not be allowed to return to play in the current game or practice.
  • The student will not be left alone; the coach/physical education teacher or staff member will do his or her best to contact a parent. Close monitoring should be 24 done following injury by the coach or the parent. At any sign of deterioration, medical help must be immediately sought by calling 911 and parents must be notified.
  • A player must be medically evaluated by a private physician following a suspected concussion, even if symptoms have resolved or are fleeting.
  • ● A student who receives an injury that results in the appearance of any concussive symptoms may not return to play. The coach will not be making a medical determination for RTP.
  • 911 must be called if a student loses consciousness.
  • The school nurse will follow-up with the student medically throughout the five-day RTP protocol. If the student exhibits any symptoms of a concussion, the student will not be able to resume the return to play protocol and the nurse will notify the parent and request the student return to his or her physician.

School Nurse

The school nurse will contact the student and parents following a head injury to discuss the severity of the injury. The school nurse will also document whether the parent sought medical care and/or notified a private physician of the injury. If the parent did not seek proper care, the nurse will advise the parent to have the student evaluated as soon as possible. * The nurse shall receive copies of all physician notes. The school nurse will consult with the coach/physical education teacher or appropriate staff member and fill out an accident report. The school nurse will notify all appropriate staff/faculty about the student’s injury to ensure proper management of the injury. The school nurse will notify guidance counselors when a note from a physician states accommodations for learning is recommended. The school nurse will advise the parent to contact the student’s counselor if learning problems appear to develop during the healing phase.

When the private physician releases the student for RTP, the school staff shall interpret that as the child’s having had 24 hours free from all symptoms and, therefore, has been cleared to begin the five-day graduated stepwise program. The private physician’s clearance “without restriction” is not a determination for the student to return to regular play. It is only a clearance for the student to begin the RTP procedures. In order for the student to return to normal activity or competition immediately, a note from the physician must specify the student never suffered from a concussion. The nurse will work in conjunction with Athletic Director to inform his or her coach/physical education teacher of the injury. The nurse will follow-up with the student throughout the five -day RTP protocol. If any symptoms re-occur, the student will not be able to continue the RTP protocol and the nurse will contact the parent and advise further follow-up with their physician. The district physician will ultimately be responsible for permitting a student to return to play.

*Any outside physician visit is subject to parental expense unless district policy suggests differently.


Staff is asked to adhere to the simple philosophy of, “WHEN IN DOUBT, SIT THEM OUT!” If there is any doubt whether a student has sustained a concussion, it will be treated as a concussion. The student will be referred to his or her physician and if the physician notes he or she never suffered a concussion, the student may return to regular play or competition. Unresolved cases where no outside physician was sought or if evidence of symptoms is still present (e.g. learning difficulties) will be referred to the district appointed medical director and he or she will make the final determination on whether RTP should be followed. The district appointed medical director may request an evaluation of the student and/or ask to evaluate the student to assist in making the final determination.

Concussion Management

Return to Play (RTP) Protocol

There are many risks to premature return to play including: a greater risk for a second concussion because of a lower concussion threshold, second impact syndrome (abnormal brain blood flow that can result in death), exacerbation of any current symptoms, and possibly increased risk for additional injury due to alteration in balance. If the student is having difficulty performing “normal” activities that may affect academics, parents should contact his or her child’s guidance counselor and/or teachers. Return to play following a concussion involves a day-by-day progression once the student is symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours. No student should return to play while symptomatic. Students are prohibited from returning to play the day the suspected concussion is sustained. If there is any doubt as to whether a student has sustained a concussion, it should be treated as a concussion. Once the student is symptom free for 24 hours and has a signed release by the treating physician, he/she may begin the return to play progression below (provided there are no other mitigating circumstances). The Lake George School District will follow guidelines based on the National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS model listed below:

Step 1Light aerobic exercise- e.g. 5 to 10 minutes on an exercise bike or light jog; no weight lifting, resistance training, or any other exercises

Step 2Moderate aerobic exercise- e.g. 15 to 20 minutes of running at moderate intensity in the gym or on the field without a helmet or other equipment

Step 3: Non-contact training drills in full uniform. May begin weight lifting, resistance training and other exercises

Step 4: Full contact practice or training

Step 5Full game play

Once asymptomatic, each step will take place per 24-hour period. If any post-concussion symptoms occur while in the program, then the student must be reevaluated by the student’s physician and will return to day one of the program after the student has been medically cleared and asymptomatic for 24 hours.

Return to School

Following a concussion, a student may have difficulty in school. This may include but are not limited to the following symptoms: difficulty concentrating, sensitivity to bright lights, and difficulty with tasks that require sustained concentration. It is important that parents, students and the school to work together to develop accommodations to help with the healing process.

Return to School (RTS) Protocol

Responsibilities of the School Nurse after notification of student’s concussion:

1. The athlete will be instructed to report to the school nurse upon his or her return to school. At that point, the school nurse will:

a) Check-in with the student.

b) Provide individualized healthcare plan based on the athlete’s current condition, recommendations from the athlete’s physician and the athlete’s medical and educational needs as identified by his/her physician.

2. Notify the student’s guidance counselor of the educational needs as identified by his/her physician.

3. Notify the student’s PE teacher of any restrictions as identified by the physician or the parents.

4. Check in with the athlete at least once per school day during the RTP process. Ask student to check in during free periods or lunch or if they are experiencing any issues during the day.

Responsibilities of the student’s guidance counselor:

1. Once notified by the school nurse, monitor the student closely and recommend appropriate academic accommodations when he or she exhibits symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.

2. Communicate with the school health office on a regular basis, to provide the most effective care for the student.

3. Communicate with student, student’s parent(s), and teachers

Responsibilities of the student’s teachers:

1. When notified by guidance counselor, monitor the student closely and work with the guidance counselor to recommend appropriate academic accommodations when he or she exhibits symptoms of post-concussion syndrome.

2. Communicate with the school health office on a regular basis, to provide the most effective care for the student.

All teachers interacting with the student (including the physical education teacher): Teachers can often help observe changes in a student, including symptoms that may be worsening. Teachers are also in a position to interact regularly with the student’s parents, thereby providing a channel to obtain and share information with them about the student’s progress and challenges.

Responsibilities of the student’s parents:

1. Notify school nurse of concussion (if sustained other than when engaged in school activity) Understand what a concussion is and follow physician’s orders.

2. Limit their child’s activities that require concentration or mental stimulation, providing cognitive rest. Exposure to loud noises, bright lights, computers, video games, television and phones (including texting) all may worsen the symptoms of concussion. As the symptoms lessen, increased use of computers, phone, video games, etc., may be allowed, as well as a gradual progression back to full academic work.

3. Communicate with their child’s teachers, guidance counselor, and nurse if learning difficulties occur.

4. Encourage their child to get plenty of sleep and rest.

Responsibilities of the student:

The student: The affected student should be “in the loop,” and encouraged to share his/ her thoughts about how things are going, and symptoms he or she is experiencing. The student should receive feedback from the rest of the team that is appropriate to his/her age, level of understanding, and emotional status.

U.S. Department of Health Center for Disease Control and Prevention

New York State Public High School Athletic Association

Dr. Martin Breen, MD, Glens Falls, NY, Pediatrics, Medical Director, Lake George Central School

Dr. Cynthia Devore, Medical Director, Monroe #1 BOCES