
Review scholarship descriptions and determine your eligibility to apply.  Use the link to visit the sponsoring organization’s scholarship website/application.  

Scholarships by application date

March 2025 Deadline Scholarships

Horatio Alger Association Scholarships for High School Juniors – The Horatio Alger Association supports deserving young people who are overcoming significant challenges and are committed to pursuing higher education. Our scholarships and services serve as a powerful symbol of recognition of Scholars’ character and of our belief in their potential. Visit Horatio Alger Scholarships to apply.  Deadline:  March 1, 2025

The Grishkot Foundation Scholarships – The Walter Grishkot Memorial Scholarship is for area high school graduates and college students enrolled in the study of aviation, aeronautics or related fields. The scholarship is given in memory of Walter Grishkot of Glens Falls, a long-time photographer, promoter and event planner, who had a lifelong passion for aviation. Grishkot was best known as co-founder and long-time organizer of the Adirondack Balloon Festival.

The Joan Grishkot Memorial Scholarship is for the study of nursing. Non-traditional students pursuing nursing as a second career are particularly encouraged to apply. The scholarship is given in memory of Joan Grishkot of Glens Falls, a long-time nurse, public health executive and community leader, and co-organizer of the Adirondack Balloon Festival. The scholarship program is open to residents of Warren, Washington and Saratoga counties. Scholarship awards of at least $2,500 per year, for up to four years, will be awarded in 2025.

Additional one-year scholarships to other qualified applicants, may be awarded, depending on available funding and the number of applicants The Grishkot Foundation, a 501(c)(3) volunteer nonprofit organization, conducts the scholarship program in collaboration with the Glens Falls Kiwanis Foundation.
The foundation is administered by a volunteer board.

Information about the scholarship program and applications, to be filed electronically, are available at  Deadline:  March 1, 2025

NPC Centennial Scholarships – The NPC Centennial Scholarships are new merit-based college scholarship opportunities for high school women who are college-bound.  Beginning with women graduating high school in 2023, NPC plans to award 10 college scholarships of $2,000 each annually through their new NPC Centennial Scholarships Program. The scholarships may be used to offset college tuition, dues and fees.  Visit NPC Centennial Scholarship for information and to apply.   Deadline: March 9, 2025

Kelly’s Angels Scholarship – Given to two LGHS seniors in memory of Kelly Mulholland, a beloved wife, mother, and teacher who lost her battle to breast cancer in 2007.  To be eligible for a $1,500 Kelly’s Angels scholarship, a senior must meet the following criteria: Attending college/an institution of higher learning, has a need for financial assistance, has persevered in the face of adversity, has shown a commitment to serving others, especially other children, is a hardworking student, but not necessarily the highest achieving. Click here to view the applicationDeadline: March 14, 2025

Soroptimist Violet Richardson Scholarship– Are you a young woman between the ages of 14 and 18 who volunteers in your community or school? Who sees challenges instead of obstacles? Hope instead of despair? If you are a young woman who believes in the power of volunteer action, then you may be eligible to win a Soroptimist VioletRichardson Award. The Violet Richardson Award recognizes young women who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts such as: fighting drugs, crime and violence; cleaning up the environment; and working to end discrimination and poverty. Volunteer actions that benefit women or girls are of particular interest. Click here to an application. Deadline: March 15, 2025

Please feel free to call us at (518) 867-8831 or e-mail us at with any questions.  

Firefighters Association of the State of New York (FASNY) Scholarships – Providing deserving high school graduates with Gerard J. Buckenmeyer Memorial FASNY Volunteer Scholarships.  These $1500 scholarships allow young firefighters to continue their post-secondary education.  Visit FASNY Scholarships for information and applications.  Deadline:  March 15, 2025

Junior League of Albany Rockwell Scholarship – Through the generosity of the late Junior League of Albany member Marjorie Doyle Rockwell, and in her memory, the Junior League of Albany awards the Rockwell Scholarship each year in the amount of $1,000 to assist one young woman to help obtain the education and skills necessary to further her volunteer potential.  An applicant for the Rockwell Scholarship must be:  a female resident of the Capital District; and a candidate for high school graduation in the current academic year who will be applying for enrollment in an accredited college, university or secondary educational or vocational program for the upcoming academic year; or a high school (or equivalent) graduate currently enrolled in an accredited college, university or secondary educational or vocational program; and currently involved in volunteer organizations or activities which serve the same or related focus areas as the Junior League of Albany; and able to demonstrate citizenship and initiative. Information and the application are available here:  Junior League of Albany Scholarship  and here. Deadline:  March 15, 2025

Young Women in Public Affairs Award – The goal of the Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award Program is to encourage more young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and dedication to empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.  The club reviews the applications it receives, and selects a single Zonta Club of Glens Falls candidate.  Each club candidate becomes a District finalist.  Local award up to $750 with the candidate’s name being passed on to Zonta International.  The application is available here:  Young Women in Public Affairs Award.  Deadline: March 15, 2025

Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award -High School JUNIOR or SENIOR students who perform outstanding community service may apply by submitting a completed application and reference letter to a Zonta club in their locality.  Academic achievement is not relevant. Each of the 20 Jean M. Coon and the award criteria Zonta Clubs in District 2 solicits and accepts applications from high schools in its area. Each club reviews the applications it receives, and selects a single club candidate. Each club candidate becomes a District finalist.  The Jean M. Coon Committee reviews each finalist application and an award winner is announced in May.  The applications are available here:  Jean M. Coon Humanitarian Award.  Local award up to $750 with candidate name being passed on to Zonta District 2.  Deadline: March 15, 2025

Hagan Scholarship – The Hagan Scholarship, a nationwide need-based merit scholarship that awards up to $7500 per semester, provides recipients with the opportunity to graduate college debt-free. Applicants must attend a traditional public high school governed by a school district. Additional benefits include free workshops, free Schwab Brokerage Accounts and free Study Abroad to provide recipients with a practical understanding of important life skills not typically covered in the school curriculum. Visit Hagan Scholarship for more information and to applyDeadline: March 15, 2025

Saratoga Ancient Order of Hibernians Commodore John Barry Division 1 Scholarship– This scholarship of $500 will be awarded to worthy students of good character in high school who wish to further their education beyond high school. Applicants must be graduating seniors of an accredited high school in Saratoga, Warren, or Washington counties. Award winners must be accepted as full-time students in a two or four year college, trade school or other accredited institution of learning.  Applicants will be selected based on the following: • Scholastic ability • Financial need • Personal character • Essay. Click here for the application. Deadline: March 17, 2025

Fort Edward Historical Association High School Senior Student Art Show and Scholarship Association – All high school seniors who reside in Warren, Washington, Saratoga or Essex Counties and who have been accepted into a College of Fine Arts Program are invited to participate. Approx. $2750 in prizes will be awarded.  Information and the application is available here: Fort Edward Historical Association ScholarshipDeadline: March 19, 2025

Hudson Mohawk Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Scholarship – Awarding up to 10 scholarships of $500 each to high school seniors entering an approved healthcare related program at a local community college, university and/or a certification program.  Applicants must be graduating from a high school within the Hudson Mohawk AHEC region.  Visit Hudson Mohawk AHEC for information and to apply. Deadline:  March 21, 2025

Lee Shaw Scholarship – To honor the memory of jazz pianist Dr. Lee Shaw, a scholarship fund has been established by Swingtime Jazz Society.  A monetary award of $1000 will be presented to benefit a senior who has participated in music activities, either band and/or choir, shown scholarship and leadership qualities and plans on pursuing a music degree with a focus on jazz studies in college. The application form, Lee Shaw compositions and list of jazz standards that Lee played are at Swingtime Jazz Scholarship. Please see the Counseling Center if you are interested in applying.  Deadline:  March 31, 2025

April 2025 Deadline Scholarships

NSPE-NY New York State Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship– Presenting scholarship awards to outstanding area high school students planning to attend an ABET accredited college engineering program. Typically offering awards of $1,000 to $3,000. The criteria for the Capital District Chapter Scholarship Award gives credit for course work in the sciences, math and humanities, athletic and non-athletic extracurricular activities, volunteer activities and work experience. The criteria are weighted to favor academic performance in math and science coursework, technically oriented activities and achievements indicated by honors and awards from industry organizations, colleges and universities. Click here to apply. Deadline: April 1, 2025

The Sandy Hill Foundation Scholarship– Offering scholarship grants for college education on an annual basis to assist qualifying young women & men graduating from designated local area schools. In 2024, the Sandy Hill Foundation granted 50 awards. The awards this year will be for $3000 each.  Grants will be awarded on academic performance and achievements, standard educational tests, financial need and letters of recommendation received relating to the character, motivation and potential of the individual.  Hard copies are available in the Counseling Center or visit for informationDeadline: April 1, 2025

Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club Bill Shrader Sr. Memorial Scholarship – Established by the HMRRC in the memory of Bill Shrader, Sr., an outstanding life-long runner and one of the founding members of the Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club.  Six $3000 non-renewable scholarships will be awarded to runners planning to attend a college, university or community college on a full-time basis.  The awards will be limited to track or cross-country runners currently attending a Section II high school.  Applications are available here:  Bill Shrader Sr. Memorial Scholarship. Deadline:  April 1, 2025

2025 Zonta Club of Glens Falls Scholarship – This scholarship is focused on the under-served segment of potential applicants. It is our intent to support those students who may not always excel academically, but demonstrate a passion or talent not always recognized by traditional scholarship programs.  The scholarship awarded varies in value and typically ranges from $1,000 to $2500.  Applications are available here:  Zonta Club Scholarship.  Deadline: April 1, 2025

AngioDynamics STEM “Women in Technology” Award – The goal of the Zonta STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Scholarship is to encourage more young women to pursue a higher education degree in the STEM fields, while also recognizing leadership achievements in these fields and dedication to the advancement of the status of women.  There are two $750 awards.  Applications are available here:  AngioDynamics STEM Scholarship.  Deadline:  April 1, 2025

Adirondack Paralegal Association Scholarship – Offering one $500 scholarship to a graduating high school senior who wishes to pursue post-graduation educational opportunities in an accredited vocational or academic program.  Requirements:  two letters of recommendation, current transcript of grades and a short essay detailing your academic and career goals, community service, extracurricular activities and interests, work experience, reasons for requesting financial assistance, and other pertinent information which you wish to have the committee consider.  Click here for information and for the application:  Adirondack Paralegal Scholarship.  Deadline:  April 1, 2025

Capital District Chapter of the New York State Society of Professional Engineers Scholarship-, announces the availability of scholarships to young people pursuing engineering as a career. The Chapter is offering scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 to students who attend an ABET-accredited college or university engineering program. Additional information and scholarship applications may be obtained by visiting the Chapter Website ( or by contacting Nikhil Bodhankar Deadline: April 1, 2025

The Robert J. Nolan Foundation Scholarship – Created in 1988 to provide financial assistance at the undergraduate and graduate levels of colleges and universities for men and women graduates of secondary schools in the greater Glens Falls, NY area. The 9 qualifying area schools are Corinth Central HS, Fort Ann Central HS, Fort Edward Central HS, Glens Falls HS, Hadley Luzerne Central School, Lake George HS, Queensbury HS, South Glens Falls HS, Hudson Falls HS. Scholarships are intended to assist student payments for tuition, books, fees, and equipment.  Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive $5,000 per academic year up to a total four year award of $20,000. Awards are coordinated to be paid directly to the academic institution on a semester basis; thus, most receive $2500 for the Fall semester and $2500 for the Spring semester.  For more information and for the application, please visit: RJ Nolan Foundation  Deadline:  April 11, 2025

Rodion Cantacuzene Scholarship– The National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame is now accepting applications for the Rodion Cantacuzene Scholarship. Established in 2015 to honor Mr. Cantacuzene’s 30 years of service to the museum’s Board of Trustees, the scholarship is awarded annually to one high school senior from Saratoga County who demonstrates academic excellence, exemplary community service, and an interest in history and the arts. Applicants must be planning to pursue further education past high school. The scholarship winner will receive a one-time award of $1,000. The application form is attached to this email. Applicants should fill out the form and email it to on or before April 12th, 2024, for consideration. Completed forms may also be dropped off at the museum’s front desk during normal operating hours or mailed to the address on the application. Deadline: April 11, 2025

The Schuylerville Community Theater (SCT) offers a monetary scholarship each year to a deserving high school senior who will graduate in June from a school in Saratoga, Warren or Washington Counties. Applicants for an SCT Scholarship must be entering an accredited college (either 2 year or 4 year) in the Fall and be majoring in Music, Dance, Drama or Theater Arts. They will be judged by a panel on the demonstration of the talent and skill in their art field as well as an interview.  SCT has been offering quality theater productions to the surrounding communities since 1980. One focus of the group is to foster the love and interest in the arts through the scholarship program. To date, over $42,000 has been awarded to seniors moving on to the world of the arts. To apply visit: Deadline: April 20, 2025

Adirondack School Counselor Association (ASCA) Scholarship – provides a $1500 scholarship to a senior planning to attend a 4-year college or university. Eligibility requirements are:

  1. Student plans to study human services, sociology, psychology or a related “helping” field.
  2. Student has a demonstrated record of serving others in a humanitarian way.
  3. Counselor is a paid ASCA member. 

The application is available here:  ASCA Scholarship.  Deadline: April 24, 2025

Rotary Club of Lake George Scholarships – A total of $6000 will be awarded this year, divided among numerous awards ranging from $100-$2000.  The number of recipients and amount of each award will correspond to the number of service-oriented students in the class.  Art and VOTEC awards will only be awarded when a class has a qualified applicant(s).  

  • Service Awards – Will be made to senior students who most exemplify Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”  Looking for students with the most solid history of volunteer activity in school and community. Awards are not based on academic achievement but may be considered for certain awards.  Click here for the Rotary Service Award application.
  • Rotary Art Scholarship – Awarding up to $1000 to a student or students that pursue a degree in a Visual Arts related field (such as photography, graphic design, painting, ceramics, illustration, sculpture, etc.) including Art Education and are accepted as a matriculated declared college art major.  Nominations will be sought from art department faculty.  Include community service information on application when applicable.  This information is not required to be eligible for the art award.  Please be prepared to share your portfolio with the selection committee at the scheduled interview.  Click here for the Rotary Art Scholarship application.
  • VOTEC Scholarship – awarding up to $2000 to a student planning to attend a trade school or vocational-related certification program after graduation.  Requirements for this award: proficiency in skill/trade area, planned attendance at a trade school after graduation, strong work ethic.  Click here for the Rotary VO TECH Scholarship application.
  • The Lake George Rotary Club Scholarship Selection Committee will review all applications and interview all applicants in person at LGHS.  Please visit for more information about Lake George Rotary.  Deadline to the Counseling Center: TBA

The Adirondack Runners (TAR) Scholarship Program – Offered to high school seniors from school districts in Warren, Washington, Hamilton, Essex & Saratoga Counties, or high school seniors who are TAR members-in-good-standing attending at any high school.  Student must be committed to attend a fully accredited 2 or 4 year college or university on a full-time basis.  Applicants will be chosen by TAR’s Scholarship Committee based on the following criteria:  academic achievement & extracurricular activities, essay, running achievements and/or contributions to running and school and community service.  Applicants who are active members in good standing with The Adirondack Runners club will be given priority consideration.  Scholarships will vary up to $1000 each.  Information and the application are available here:  Adirondack Runners Application  Deadline:  April 25, 2025

Saratoga Builder Association, Inc. 2024 Scholarship Awards – The Saratoga Builders Association Scholarship of $1000 and the “Bob Best” Memorial Scholarship of $1000 each are available to high school seniors or college undergraduates who are planning to pursue construction education at a 2 or 4-year accredited college or university or to students who would like to purchase tools for employment in construction. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. You must demonstrate current or past involvement in the construction field, including classes taken in high school, to be eligible for this award. You must also submit a high school or college transcript or list of construction classes taken and a short essay (less than 500 words) describing why you are interested in a construction industry career and what events led you to this decision.  To receive a scholarship application, please contact Barry Potoker, Executive Director at 518-366-0946 or Information and the application are available here: Saratoga Builders Association, Inc. Scholarship.  Deadline:  April 25, 2025

Knights of Columbus St. Isaac Jogues Council 11428 Scholarships and Fellowship Awards – In Memory of George P. Ryan:  These awards are offered to graduating seniors of Lake George High School who are members of Sacred Heart Parish in Lake George, a practicing Catholic and involved in parish/community activities. Candidates should be planning a 2-or 4-year college vocational degree program and the student should be accepted at a school in such a program. No specific career path is required.  One Lake George HS recipient ($2000)-open to all seniors affiliated with Sacred Heart Parish (Knights of Columbus affiliation not required). Knights of Columbus Columbiettes Council 11428 Scholarship -These awards are offered to children or grandchildren of members of the St. Isaac Jogues Columbiettes at Sacred Heart Parish in Lake George.  Candidates should be planning a 2-or 4-year college or vocational degree program and the student should be accepted at a school in such a program.  One $1000 award, and fellowship awards $100-$250 for children/grandchildren of members. More information and the application is available here:  K of C Scholarship.  Deadline: April 28, 2025

Cameron Jace Quartiers Memorial Scholarship – Cameron was born 16 weeks too soon and weighed no more than one pound.  Although his prognosis was bleak, the love and devotion from his family, coupled with an amazing team of health care providers, gave him a fighting chance.  Sadly, Cameron passed away at just 8 months old.  But there are other babies who need a chance.  By providing this scholarship, they hope to honor Cameron and help a local individual, in the district from which Cameron would have attended school, achieve their goal of becoming an amazing health care provider.  The board of Project: Cameron’s Story will award a $1000 scholarship to ONE graduating senior from Glens Falls High School who plans to pursue a 2 or 4 year degree in any area of the health care fields.  They will also award a $1000 scholarship to TWO additional graduating seniors from any high school in New York State who plans to pursue a 2 or 4 year degree in any area of the health care fields.  Eligibility requirements:  in good standing academically, attending an accredited 2 or 4 year college, pursuing a degree in any area of health care, and record of volunteerism within the community.  Information and the application is available here:  Cameron Jace Quartiers Memorial Scholarship.  Deadline:  April 28, 2025

The Jimmy Hauburger Memorial Scholarship– will be awarded to graduating Lake George High School seniors who demonstrate kindness and caring to others and have been a friend to fellow students in need.  Applicants can read directions on how to apply by clicking here Deadline:  April 30, 2024

The Betty Spadaro Community Service Award– Awarding $2,500 to a graduating high school student.  The criterion for awarding this scholarship is exemplary volunteer service within the student’s community where they reside and the school that they attend.  Applications should include the required essay and letter of recommendation. Click here for the application. Deadline: April 30, 2025

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Scholarship – Offering scholarships on behalf of the Mohawk-Hudson Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to graduating seniors seeking to continue their education with the goal of becoming a practicing civil engineer.  Awards are two 4-year, $1000 per year scholarships. The application and information is available here:  American Society of Civil Engineers Scholarship  Deadline: TBA

Dr. Joseph Warren & Capt. George C. & Teri Wildrick Scholarship – Offering a scholarship in the amount of $500 for one high school senior of Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School. The scholarship is non-renewable. The applications will be evaluated on the following criteria: The student must submit an essay, not less than 500 words and not more than 700 words, or a short video answering the attached question.  The student must be a high school senior attending Warren County Public Schools & have at least a 2.5 GPA.  The applicant must be an entering freshman to an accredited college or university. Click here for the application Deadline: TBA

Queensbury Senior Citizens Achievement Award -Offering a $1000 award to one graduating high school senior who attends Lake George Central School, Queensbury Union Free School or Glens Falls High School.  The criterion for awarding this scholarship is exemplary service to the community.  Proof of college semester completion is required to receive the full award.  The application is available here:  Queensbury Senior Citizens Achievement Award.  Deadline:  TBA

Tri County School Nutrition Directors Scholarship – This scholarship shall be awarded to a graduating senior or recent graduate who is continuing their education and pursuing a career in the field of food service/hospitality, i.e.: chef, cook-manager, restaurant, hospitality, food service, food science, or nutrition/dietetics.  Offered to a graduating or recently graduated senior from a school in Washington, Warren or Saratoga counties with a demonstrated financial need, who has the motivation and desire to succeed in college.  Information and the application are available here:  Tri County School Nutrition Scholarship.  Deadline:  TBA

May 2025 Deadline Scholarships

Operation Adopt A Soldier, Inc. Scholarships – Offering four scholarship awards of $500 each to graduating seniors.  Applicants must have a service member in their family and have a recommendation from a teacher or advisor.  Applicants must write an essay on the topic of “What war and our troops being deployed to war-torn areas of the world and other parts of the world mean to me.”  Essay should be between 250-300 words. Information and the application is available here:  Operation Adopt A Soldier Scholarships Deadline:  May 1, 2025

2025 Lloyd Mott Cycling Scholarship – Offered by the Adirondack Cycling Advocates, Inc.  Awarding one scholarship in the amount of $2500 to a deserving high school senior that will be attending a fully accredited 2 or 4 year college/university or a licensed trade school.  For this scholarship, students should write an essay that will elaborate on the dangers of cycling in unsafe space and what can be done to ensure the safety of cyclists.  Visit Lloyd Mott Cycling Scholarship for information and the application.  Deadline:  May 1, 2025

SAANYS Retiree Scholarship Program– Open to any public high school senior. Applicants must be sponsored by a current SAANYS Active Retiree, Affiliate Retiree, or Associate Retiree member in good standing. For purposes of this scholarship, regular Active SAANYS members listed as a sponsor shall not be considered. Visit SAANYS 2024 Retiree Student Scholarship Application to fill out an application. Deadline: May 4, 2025

Bruce L. Crary Foundation Scholarships – ​Since 1973 the Bruce L. Crary Foundation has granted nearly $11.75 million to more than 7,500 students from the 5-county region of Northeastern New York State to assist with the costs of their higher education.  For more information and to apply, visit Crary Foundation.  Deadline:  May 5, 2025

Nemer Motor Group $10,000 SUNY Adirondack Scholarship through Kelly’s Angels – Paid in two installments of $5,000 – one for each of two years at SUNY Adirondack, this scholarship seeks to reward a Lake George graduating senior who has demonstrated perseverance through adversity and/or kindness through service to others, especially to other children. Application form.  Deadline: May 14, 2025

J. Clark Towse North Queensbury Vol. Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary Memorial Scholarship – Offered by the North Queensbury Ladies Auxiliary to students who live full time in the North Queensbury and Pilot Knob Fire Districts. The award is $1000.  An additional $500 scholarship based on community service is available to a student who has shown an exceptional commitment to their community through volunteering and service throughout their high school career.  Information and the application is available here:  J. Clark Towse Scholarship.  Deadline: TBA

Ralph E. McKernon Memorial Scholarship Award – Sponsored by the Washington County Association of Street and Highway Officials.  Award will be made to a student who is a Washington County resident and graduate of a Washington County school or Washington County resident and graduate from a high school outside the county or non-resident of Washington County who graduates from a Washington County school.  Student must have been accepted by an accredited school or college of either two or four years. Student must be pursing a field of study related to civil engineering or vocational trade in construction or heavy equipment machinery. Award will be $2000. Student must be in good standing at the end of the first semester to receive the award.  Information is available here:  Ralph E. McKernon Memorial Scholarship Award.  Please pick up a hard copy in the Counseling Center.  Deadline: TBA

Richard & Joyce Willmen Scholarship – This memorial scholarship will provide $10,000 (paid over two years) to a senior pursuing higher education preferably to enter an educational, medical, or trade field.  Applicants must have an 85 GPA or higher, demonstrate financial need, be hard working, and have shown interest in the community through employment, events, volunteerism, or supporting local organizations.  Click here to view the applicationDeadline: TBA

Parle Endeavors Scholarship – Available to young people who are (1) attending a high school in New York State; (2) on track to graduate high school in June or August of 2023; (3) planning on attending a 2 or 4-year post-secondary program, (4) pursuing a degree and a career in media, communications, journalism, business, or a closely related field. The Parle Endeavors ALTA Grant is available to young people who are (1) high school juniors or seniors attending a high school in New York State;  (2) want to pursue a career in media, communications, journalism, business, or a closely related field; (3) have a business idea, start-up, related to those fields; (4) launched within the last year or planning to launch by June 2024.  They will provide 4 scholarships valued at $2500.00 each, and 4 grants valued at $2500.00 each to high school students.  Visit Parle Endeavors Scholarship for information and to apply.  Deadline:   TBA

Glens Falls Community Theater Scholarship– Two $500scholarships will be awarded to seniors enrolled in a two- or four-year program in vocal or instrumental performance, music education, drama education, acting, dance, set design or technical theatre.
Send an email to Jillian Granger with the subiect line GFCT Scholarship Application. Click here to view the application. Deadline: TBA

Randal Madison Memorial Scholarship – Offering a one time $1000 award to be applied toward the cost of education at a two-year or four-year college.  Recipient must be a graduating senior at LGHS who is pursuing a career as a classroom teacher.  The family’s selection of the scholarship recipients will be based on two essays written by the applicants and the two required references.  The application is available here:  Randal Madison Memorial Scholarship.  Deadline:  TBA

Bridging the Dream Scholarship– The Sallie Mae Fund and Thurgood Marshall College Fund (TMCF) are proud to offer financial assistance to forty (40) current high school seniors who plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or continuous education program. Selected students will receive a scholarship up to $10,000 for the 2024-2025 academic school year. Click here for the application Deadline: TBA

National Association of Women in Construction Scholarship – The Capital District Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction is again offering a $1,000 scholarship award to a qualified female high school senior who plans to enroll in an accredited college, majoring in a construction-related degree program.  Award of the scholarship is based on meeting the criteria enclosed in the attached application and will require a transcript review. Information and the application are available here:  National Association of Women in Construction ScholarshipDeadline:  TBA

Patrick R. Nolan Memorial Scholarship – Offered in memory of Patrick Nolan, a local musician.  Scholarship shall be awarded to a graduating senior who is pursuing music in college.  This is  a one-time $500 scholarship and is available to students throughout Warren and Washington Counties, two of the areas that Pat entertained the most over the years. Students are asked to send a brief essay explaining their plans in college and why they’re pursuing music, or what type of music they enjoy.  The essays can be submitted via email to or regular mail:  Patrick R. Nolan Scholarship c/o Matthew La Farr, 11 Wintergreen Road, Queensbury, NY 12804.  Deadline:  TBA

PB & J Scholarship – Offering scholarships to students who have experienced personal challenges that may not have allowed them to perform well academically, but who still have the drive to succeed.  Open to high school seniors who plan on attending an accredited 2-year or 4-year college in the US.  Visit to apply.  Learn more at  Deadline:  TBA

June 2025 Deadline Scholarships

Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program– Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue with our scholarship program for the 18th year. We will be awarding up to $1,000 to the winner(s) each year. Students will submit an essay on the topic that appears on the scholarship page of our web site: Full details are available on our site.  Deadline:  June 10, 2025

July 2025 Deadline Scholarships

The Listening Innovation Scholarship– Supports students who are passionate about driving change and innovation in their fields.  Offered to current high school seniors who are enrolled or planning to enroll in an accredited college or university.  Students must demonstrate interest in innovation or entrepreneurship and must be in good academic standing at their current institution.  Click here to apply:  Listening Innovation Scholarship Deadline: July 31, 2025

October 2025 Deadline Scholarships

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarships – Each year, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation awards 150 college scholarships worth $20,000 to high school students across the United States through the Coca-Cola Scholars Program. Students need a 3.0 GPA and to fill out an online application that requires no essays, no recommendations, and no transcripts. Visit Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation for more information and to apply. Deadline: TBA

AES Engineers Scholarships – Offering $500 scholarships to motivated students to help in the furthering of their education. Scholarships are intended for our future leaders across a wide spectrum of fields of study. This award is available to high school seniors and all students attending a post secondary educational facility. Students are not required to be taking Engineering courses to be eligible. Visit AES Engineers Scholarship for more information and to apply. Deadline: October 8, 2025

November 2024 Deadline Scholarships

The Elks National Foundation (ENF) has kicked off the 2025 scholarship year.

Most Valuable Student (MVS) Contest:
The 2025 MVS application is now open. Applications can be found online at The application deadline is November 12, 2024. The Elks National Foundation (ENF) awards 500 four-year scholarships based on academics, leadership, and financial need. National awards range from $1,000 per year to $7,500 per year. The national awards will be announced in April 2025. Applicants select from a list of the Lodges closest to their home address zip code. Please have your students choose Glens Falls Elks Lodge BPOE 81as their sponsoring Lodge. Complete details can be found at 

Legacy Awards – The Legacy Awards program begins on September 1, 2024. Legacy Awards provide $4,000 scholarships for children and grandchildren of dues-paying Elk members. The ENF offers a total of 350 national awards. The application deadline is February 3, 2025. Please visit for more details and the application link. For any questions, please contact me at

Click here for more information

December 2024 Deadline Scholarships

Equitable Excellence Scholarship Program – Equitable Foundation has established the Equitable Excellence℠ Scholarship Program to assist high school seniors who are planning to continue their education at a two- or four-year college in the United States by Fall 2025. This program is administered by Scholarship America®, the nation’s largest designer and manager of scholarship and other education support programs for corporations, foundations, associations, and individuals. Eligibility for individual programs is determined at the sole discretion of the sponsor and eligible applications are reviewed by Scholarship America’s evaluation team. Visit https://learnmoEquitable Excellence. Deadline: December 18, 2024

January 2025 Deadline Scholarships

TCT Federal Credit Union Scholarship – TCT FCU is offering college-bound high school seniors the opportunity to compete for statewide college scholarships through the New York Credit Union Association’s College Scholarship Program. Scholarships may be used at a two- or four-year accredited educational institution. In 2024, Just last year, TCT FCU awarded $14,000 in college scholarships, ranging from $750 and $1,000 to 16 students. NYCUA awarded $28,500 in college scholarships, ranging from $250 to $1,500 to 57 students.  Visit TCT Scholarship for information and to apply.  Deadline:  January 17, 2025

Additional scholarship resources

New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence

Pending the appropriation of State funds each year, New York State awards Scholarships for Academic Excellence.  Lake George High School determines its nominees using the guidelines provided by the New York State Education Department’s Scholarships and Grants Administration Unit, which are reprinted below:

A high school shall use uniform criteria for the selection of scholarship nominees, applicable to all competing students, such criteria to be in accordance with the requirements of this section.

Method A: Regents test scores

A high school, which, prior to its students’ senior year, has offered to all such students seeking Regents credit at the school either a Regents examination or a single approved alternative assessment (see, but not both, in each of the following subjects: comprehensive English, global studies, United States history/government, mathematics B, and in two or more of the following four sciences: earth science, living environment/biology, chemistry, and physics, shall select scholarship nominees of the basis of the following criteria:

The high school shall select their winner(s) by computing a weighted average of the scores on the Regents examinations and/or approved alternative assessments taken by its students prior to their senior year, in all of the following subjects:

The weighing of the scores shall be:

Comprehensive English – weight of three
Mathematics B or Algebra 2 and Trigonometry – weight of three
Global studies – weight of one
U.S. history/government  – weight of one
Science: At least two, but up to four courses may be included – weight of one for each course

Individual schools must decide, in the science area, how many sciences to use in the calculation. They must use the same number of science courses for all students in the competition, though they do not need to use the same courses.  (Note: Lake George High School uses the strongest three science regents exam grades.)

If the approved alternative assessment is not scored on a one hundred point scale, the high school must convert the scores on the approved alternative assessment to a one hundred point scale. If a student elected not to take the Regents examinations listed, or an approved alternative assessment, then that student cannot compete or be selected as a scholarship winner.

High schools other than those described above shall select scholarship nominees on the following basis:

Method B: Rank in class

For high schools that can determine class rank because of their grading system, class rank of students at the end of their junior year. In the case of a tie, the high school may determine rank order by lottery among individuals having the same class rank. 

Queensbury Community Scholarship Association – Vocational/Trade Education Scholarship.  The mission of this scholarship program is to award financial assistance to individuals that are Queensbury graduates or that live in Warren County and are pursuing a program in a skilled trade or vocation.  An application for funds can be submitted to the committee at any time of the year.  Please allow a minimum of 45 days for your application to be reviewed.  Learn more by clicking here.

Joan Aldous Memorial Internship and Scholarship for History and Education – Offered in honor of the late Joan Aldous: WCHS Trustee, Queensbury Historian, and educator. Criteria: Service as a student intern at the Warren County Historical Society, demonstrated interest in history and/or education, desire to pursue a career in history and/or education, submission of a one-page essay about the importance of history education in schools today. A $500 scholarship is awarded annually in May, and the recipient is selected by the WCHS and Aldous family. Information is available here: Joan Aldous Memorial Scholarship.

Poodles Hanneford Scholarship – The Lake George Scholarship Association has been fortunate enough to offer scholarships to Lake George High School graduates who are pursuing certain majors such as performance or the written arts; performance in any type in theatre, film, television, radio, musical groups, circuses and other similar venues, writing of literature, journalism, stage and screen writing. Download an application here.

College Board Opportunity Scholarships – Nearly $5,000,000 (5 million dollars) in scholarships will be awarded to members of the Class of 2022 for completing normal steps in the college planning process. Learn more at College Board Opportunity Scholarships and sign up today. Scholarships are awarded monthly between January 2021 and March 2022.

Going Merry Scholarships and Financial Aid – A free scholarship and financial aid platform. Personalized matching. Thousands of scholarships. Visit Going Merry Scholarships.

Student ScholarshipsVisit Student Scholarships for a comprehensive database of scholarships offered to students in New York state school districts.

CAP COM Scholarship Program – Awarding over $81,500 in Scholarships and Awards with the Legacy Scholarship, Trade Scholarship, Technology Scholarship, Reinvestment into Learning Scholarship and Making a Difference Awards. Apply online at CAP COM Scholarships.

Zinch $1,000 Weekly Scholarships – Zinch believes strongly in education and works hard to connect students with their best-fit colleges. They also know that it can be expensive, which is why they award $1,000 every week to a high school or college student. Students fill out some basic info about themselves, then answer a short essay question to submit his/her entry. Zinch will choose the best answer and notify the winner by email. All U.S. high school & college students are eligible. For details visit Zinch Scholarships.

New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA) Scholarships – Offering multiple scholarships with different deadlines. Visit NYWEA Scholarships for information.

Unigo ScholarshipsBrowse millions of scholarships at Unigo Scholarships.

Sallie Mae ScholarshipsSallie Mae Scholarships houses over 5 billion free scholarships. The database is searchable and customizable based on the student’s strengths and interests. Scholarship Search is free to use, and Sallie Mae does not share user data with third parties.

Elks National Foundation Scholarships – Awarding $4.6 million each year in scholarships to tomorrow’s leaders. Visit Elks Scholarships.

Zip Recruiter Scholarship Database – Visit Zip Recruiter Scholarships.

Scholarship Guidance Database – High school and university resource for students. Visit Scholarship Guidance.

Discover Student Loans Scholarship Sweepstakes – Sign up for emails to get helpful college tips and resources, and enter for the chance to win a scholarship! Throughout the year, 12 eligible students or parents will be randomly selected to win a $5,000 Discover® Student Loans Scholarship Award to help cover college expenses. Visit Discover Student Loan Scholarship Sweepstakes for information and to sign up.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Youth ScholarshipsVisit VFW Youth Scholarships.

Senior Scholarship Application 

The LGHS Senior Scholarship Application allows current seniors to apply for multiple local scholarships using one application form. This application is updated and made available each spring for the upcoming class of graduates.

The application instructions and worksheet will be distributed to seniors during a class meeting in early April. Directions will be given on how to best complete the application. Application and directions for completing it will be shared through the Senior Class Google Classroom page. Students should review the following resources to prepare and submit their Scholarship Application:

Some scholarships listed in the application require applicants to attach additional forms in addition to the application itself.  Such additional requirements are listed in the scholarship description.

Many different scholarship committees review the scholarship applications, beginning after the deadline date listed in the instructions.  Remember, timeliness, neatness, and thoroughness count.

Due: TBA