The Transportation Department is proud to safely and efficiently transport LGCSD students to and from school, field trips, and athletic competitions.
Bus Rules
The most important element of school bus transportation is the safety of students. In order to achieve a safe and efficient system, drivers must have the cooperation of all student riders.
1. Conduct on the school bus shall be of the same high standard as expected in the classroom. All school rules apply while students are on the bus. Students shall be courteous to fellow riders and their bus driver. Such acts as fighting, pushing, obscene talk or gestures will not be tolerated and will be cause for disciplinary action.
2. In order to maintain a strict time schedule, drivers cannot wait for students. Students must be ready and on time for boarding the bus each morning.
3. Students shall wait until the bus comes to a full stop before entering the roadway to board the bus or before leaving their seat to get off the bus.
4. Students should use extreme caution when getting on or off the bus. When crossing the highway, wait for the driver to signal to do so and cross 10 feet from the front of the bus.
5. Students shall always take a seat upon boarding a bus and remain seated at all times while the bus is in motion.
6. Students are to keep arms and heads inside of the bus at all times. Bus windows shall be kept shut unless permission to open them is given by the driver.
7. Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking, or the use of tobacco, or any illegal substances by students on the bus is strictly prohibited at all times. Eating of food, drinking of beverages, and taking medication is not permitted on the bus.
8. Electronic devices, glass items, knives and other dangerous objects are prohibited on the bus. Also, bulky items, pets, and animals should not be brought on the bus unless with permission granted ahead of time.
9. Buses must be kept clean at all times. Each student has the duty and responsibility to see that they do not litter.
10. Students shall remain on the bus until it arrives at school or at home. Drivers will not let students off upon request unless a pass is obtained from the Attendance Office for a change in riding status and given to the driver. A written parental request is required for any change from one bus to another or for a change in pick-up or drop-off point. Allowing for sufficient time to effect these changes ensures student safety.
11. The school bus driver is completely in charge when transporting students. All instructions given shall be followed and students should cooperate with the driver in any way they can.
These rules are made for the safety and benefit of all students. Unfortunately, there may be students who will not or do not abide by the rules. In the event of violations, the following disciplinary steps have been established:
A. Verbal warning by the Bus Driver.
B. Written referral to the Principal for possible disciplinary action or suspension, with
parental notification.
C. Parent conference with school administrator in order to determine eligibility for continued transportation.
D. School authorities may remove a student from bus privileges at any time if the offense is serious enough to warrant such action, regardless of the number of violations.
E. Exclusive of the verbal warnings, parents will be notified of bus incidences and violations.
To assure bus safety, the New York State Education Department requires three school bus drills during each school year.
Emergency Contact Information
We would like to remind parents about the importance of providing the school with phone numbers, including mobile, home, and place of employment, and an alternate number of a responsible person in the event of an emergency. When you change your phone number(s), email address, mailing address, or place of employment, please notify the school immediately, since up-to-date records are extremely important for school-to-home communication.
Lake George CSD utilizes several tools to communicate with families, including ParentSquare notification system; telephone notification system, the district website, district Facebook and Twitter.
Bus Changes, Babysitting, and Change of Bus Stop
If a child is going somewhere other than home at the end of the day and needs to ride a different bus, you must send a note to school. It should include the child’s full name, the Route # the child will be riding and the full name and address of the person that will be expecting him/her.
If your child requires a change of pickup or drop-off, please contact the school that your child is attending.
- Elementary School 518-668-5714
- Jr.-Sr. High School 518-668-5452
Late Bus Information

There are three late buses for the schools pending volume of student activities. Routes are centrally located and can be found in ParentSquare under the maps link. At the Jr.-Sr. High School students without a device can access the sign up link on the daily bulletin or in the main office using the QR code. Sign ups must be done by 1:30 p.m. daily or students could be denied access to the late bus.
Students at the elementary school can sign up in the main office. To sign up for the late bus the child must have a pass signed by a teacher. A description of which streets the buses deliver to is in the offices with the sign up sheet. The buses leave the school at 3:20 p.m.
For sports meets at the Elementary School, a bus is provided at 3:05 pm that goes directly to the Elementary School.
Private/Parochial Transportation Request
According to State Law, all requests for private/parochial transportation must be submitted by April 1st. Even if your child’s placement or acceptance at a particular school has not been finalized, make the request in anticipation of attendance. You may jeopardize your child’s right to transportation if requests are late. Call the Transportation Supervisor for more information, 518-668-2131.
Transportation Facility Capital Project
Click here to view information about the Transportation Facility Capital Project
Transportation Facility Project
Please check back and visit this page to view updates and follow the process of this project.
Every five years, school districts are required by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to complete a Building Conditions Survey. The Building Conditions Survey is designed for schools to partner with an architect to identify infrastructure items in need of improvement. In the 2020 Building Condition Survey, it was determined that the Transportation Facility was in unsatisfactory and poor condition. A stakeholder committee, comprised of district and community stakeholders, has been working over the summer to determine the best option for addressing the transportation facility’s bus garage needs. The committee will continue to work collaboratively with district leadership to determine the project’s scope, financial plan and timeline. A final recommendation was made to the Board of Education.
District Votes YES to Capital Project
Now that the voters have approved this project, we will begin focusing on the next phase, which begins with further development of the site plan and design of the new facility with our architectural firm. The new facility is not anticipated to be built and ready for use until the fall of 2025, and due to this timeline there are no immediate plans for the existing building. We will begin developing plans with a stakeholder committee over the coming months for the existing property.
Community Presentation
Listen to and view the community presentation of the Transportation Facility Project.
Departments & Services Links
Transportation Supervisor
Andy Raymond
Andy Raymond