Science Exploration and Experimentation “SEE”: LGES New Adventures in Science

In a buzzing corner of Lake George Jr.-Sr. High School, 27 enthusiastic students from grades 5 and 6, led by their mentors embarked on an exciting journey into the world of beekeeping. As they delved into this fascinating endeavor, students were assisted by a dedicated team of 9th-grade helpers; Natalie Mance, Haylee Keith, and Brayden Moynehan, setting the stage for a unique experience.

The thoughtful advisors behind this remarkable program are junior and senior high school science teachers, who are dedicated to engaging young minds once a month in new programming. This month, Kevin Burrall and Niki McGrath brought their knowledge of beekeeping to these curious students. McGrath, now in her second year of beekeeping, brought a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the project. She has nurtured a home for bees that involves 4 hives, housing anywhere between 200,000 to 400,000 bees. 

This program gave students the chance to explore hands-on science while getting acquainted with the high school environment. As students traveled from room to room gathering “nectar” they navigated the new environment while exploring scientific concepts and team building.

“Creating this program was a two-fold mission,” said McGrath. “Introducing these young minds to the wonders of science and creating a bridge between students at the elementary school and their future classrooms and teachers at the junior-senior high school is equally important.”