Career Information

Access links to career information resources below.

View list of highest paying jobs.
View lists of fastest growing jobs
Job Search Tips for High School Students – from Zippia
How to Choose a Career – from My Life and Finances. Featuring the Career Finder Tool.
Good Jobs Project – Good Jobs that Pay without a BA (Bachelors Degree)

Career Profiles


Architecture combines creative and technical interests. The website also has helpful articles and information to help you plan.

Nursing and Medicine

Nursing careers offer opportunity and variety. Demand for nurses will be high over the next decade. Learn about Registered Nurses on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

EXPLOREHEALTHCAREERS.ORG offers a wide variety of information and exploratory tools for anyone curious about careers across the health care spectrum. Searches allow you to select years of training and desired salary to create a list of specific career titles. Links to additional sources of info., including field-specific professional organizations, are plentiful. Dig into information about Healthcare Administration by visiting

EDUMED.ORG provides information on a wide variety of medical careers with a range of training requirements. This site specializes in training programs/degrees offered online.


ENGINEERING vs. ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY How do these two fields relate to each other and overlap? Visit this page on RIT’s website to investigate.

Apprentice Programs:

Career and Technical Education

Learn about Career and Technical Education

Career Search Engines

Looking for a trade or technical school to get training in a specific career field? Explore vocational and technical careers, check out the skills employers really want, find a trade school, research technical topics and take a look at the current job market within the Vocational Information Center.

Monster Board Career Center offers online access to 48,000 jobs, career information and names/locations of hundreds of employers.

UniversityHQ – If you are unsure about your future career path, UniversityHQ provides information to help you research different career fields, expected earnings, employment outlook, and growth prospects.

Career InfoNet — A comprehensive source of occupational and economic information to help you make informed career decisions. Contains lists of fastest growing jobs, highest paying jobs, etc. by level of education.

Military Career Guide — The leading career information resource for the military world of work. Details 152 enlisted and officer occupations with comparable civilian counterpart for every applicable military occupation. Also describes training, advancement, and educational opportunities within each of the major Services, including ROTC programs.